What are the processes of metal fabrication

Manufacturing is the act of taking raw materials and converting them into parts used in the assembly process. There are different types of Metal Fabrication Singapore. The most common is








Additive manufacturing

Let us have a glimpse at the kinds of manufacturing processes here.


There are many ways to cut today. Old resources are saws. Others include plasma flares, water streams, and lasers. There is a whole range of complexity and prices, with some machines costing millions of dollars.


Some parts need to be folded. The most common method is the press brake. There is a series of dies that pinch metal to form creases. This function can only be made in very special cases by Aluminium Supplier In Singapore. This is possible due to the range of motion of the part during the bending process and the possible geometry of the die. However, a lean manufacturing design helps prevent complex geometries that delay production. Two different manufacturing processes or combinations of two different parts can work better than complex parts.


This is the procedure of separating metal from a material. This can be done on a lathe where the material rotates relative to the cutting tool. It can also be done by cutting machine where the rotating tool moves in different ways relative to the stationary part. Exercises fall into this last category. The number of axes defines the working limit of the cutting head.


Punching is the action of a punch and a die, which creates a scissor effect in the metal and makes a hole in it. The punch and die should be the same shape and size as the desired hole. In some cases, key material may remain, such as when fastener holes are added. In other cases, the removed part is the desired product. This is called a deletion.


Cutting is the process of making a long cut in a piece of metal. Indeed, it's like one action of those long-time-processed paper cutters. This is done with sheet metal.


Stamping is very similar to punching, except that the material is not cut. The die is shaped to make a higher portion of the material rather than penetrating it.


Welding is the union of two metal portions. There are different types of use in different applications and welding of different metals used in manufacturing.

Additive manufacturing

This is a relatively new technology by Stainless Steel Supplier Singapore. In reality, the machine applies layers of material to form the part. It works like a 3D printer that manufactures components from plastic, but on a much larger scale than regular printers, with a variety of materials available. They can even be large enough to produce an entire house. The shape of the generated components can be limited by the effect of gravity on the flowing material before it becomes rigid.

There are many other types of manufacturing processes that are less common than those listed above. New types of manufacturing methods are constantly being developed.